Credit Control

You’ve provided the customer with their requirements and sent an invoice but haven’t been paid. Let us take control of your customers with our tried and tested credit control service and get the cash where it is needed—In your bank account!

We will chase all debts up to 90 days past their due date and record all telephone calls, faxes and emails sent and report to you on a regular basis.

We can also help you fill in claim forms where a customer has been placed in administration or liquidation.

  • A robust credit control system ensures you are paid above those who do not chase for payment.
  • Reduce the amount of time a customer takes to pay.
  • Reduce the risk of bad debts.
  • Increase your available cash.
  • If you need to take legal action, you will have a stronger case when you can show the actions that have been taken to recover the debt.
  • Case Study: One of our clients has managed to reduce their debtor days (the average time it takes customers to pay) by over 30 days!
  • Result? More cash in the bank. Reduced risk of bad debt. Increased ability to pay suppliers—no more embarrassing “on stop” situations and more able to keep costs down now that credit rating has increased.